Grief for a loved one can include intense feelings anger and jealousy: the poem was inspired by a woman I met through my work as a Humanist Celebrant.
Emotions are at the heart of everything for me, but they’re at the heart, not the surface, and I’m better at picking up other people’s feelings than recognising my own! Negative ones, anyway – love, joy and happiness are easy to identify, and so is anger, but messier emotions like fear, grief, jealousy, disapproval and hate tend to go underground. I feel exhausted, or I’m in pain, or I think I’m getting flu – but then I realise the cause is emotional, not physical.

My recent writings
Swimming without you
I'm alive! I'm alive! slicing the turquoise counting lengths following lines snatching breaths Plunging and turning splashes and swirls bubbles of light chlorine stinging heart singing I'm alive! I'm alive! Aeons ago at Dancing Ledge moonlight stripping...
Pan piping
Many years ago, Pan became my Muse – perhaps I need a steadier one these days!