Human Nature Notes
I’m Penelope Hamilton.
I’m writing about Attitudes, Emotions, Haiku, Learning, Moments, Nature, People, Moments and Stories.
My recent writings
Select a Category to view my most recent writings.

My most recent writings
In uncertain, anxious times, when you’re wondering what life means, it’s easy to miss the joy of small things.
Lockdown – Spring
I had good company, beautiful surroundings, acres of space and fresh air, sheep, ducks, geese and wildlife, during the lockdown. But what would I do? How would I fill my time?
What’s left?
It’s hard being parted from the one you love, when they live far away and you don’t see them often enough.
After her funeral
Grief for a loved one can include intense feelings anger and jealousy: the poem was inspired by a woman I met through my work as a Humanist Celebrant.
Teenage Treat
A day at the seaside? What a treat! But not for a child who’s now an adolescent.
Thump against glass
Does the death of a pigeon matter? They’re common – they’re pests.
Swimming without you
I'm alive! I'm alive! slicing the turquoise counting lengths following lines snatching breaths Plunging and turning splashes and swirls bubbles of light chlorine stinging heart singing I'm alive! I'm alive! Aeons ago at Dancing Ledge moonlight stripping...
I wrote the first draft when I was in a black depression. I can’t remember whether it was about me and another person, or about two parts of myself.
My older daughter was delivered after hours and hours of trying to be born! I wrote this a long time afterwards and it was satisfying to use a controlled form to enclose a scary experience over which I’d had no control.